Monday, March 23, 2009

Jack's Mannequin Kiosk PowerPoint

This project was really interesting because the only other times I have had the chance to use PowerPoint were with academic slideshows. It was really neat to see all of the different things PowerPoint was capable of. It was a difficult assignment at first because I wasn't used to using the creative aspect of the program, so I had no idea how to do some of the things like adding animations and setting up a slideshow so it runs on its own. I figured these out by trial and error, and after a little bit I managed to get the hang of it. It was also hard to figure out how long each slide should run for, and what pictures should go with the slides. However, I really liked using PowerPoint in this way to make a music slideshow instead of just a bulleted fact-based one. I was proud that I was able to make it so everything ran on its own. If I had more time I would work on the style of the slides a little more.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

After being taught how to do the first few rows in class and after some trial and error, this assignment wasn't too difficult. It was interesting seeing the different ways that a picture could be altered. The only decisions that I had to make were what pictures to use for each topic, and also what to do with the images in the purpose row, since everything else is laid out as how to alter each image. I really liked using my own pictures with this assignment since it made it more personalized, especially when everyone was doing the exact same assignment. However, the hardest thing to do was picking out what images to use. I liked the content row the most since it was fun to see an image change as it became more and more cropped. I also thought it was interesting to see how the format/mode row really changed how the image looked. My favorite image from this row was DuoTone, which is the pink image shown below. If I had more time I would have played around with the purpose row a little bit more to alter the images even more through using filters.